Foster Care Resources
Foster Care: State vs. Private Agencies
New York State Foster Agencies, Adoption Agencies and Parent Support Groups by County
State Foster Care Program Managers list click here
• More than 437,000 children are in foster care.
• Neglect is the #1 reason children are removed from their home.
• Children in Foster Care typically wait 3-4 years or more to be adopted.
• 118,000 children and youth are freed and waiting to be adopted in the United States.
• 45% of foster children live in non-relative foster family homes.
• 32% of foster children live in relative foster family homes.
• 23% of foster children live in institutions, group homes, trial and pre-adoptive homes.
• On average, children spend 12 to 20 months in foster care.
• 10% of foster children spend more than 5 years in foster care.
• The average age of a foster child entering foster care is 7 to 8 years old.
• The average age of a foster child exiting foster care is 7 to 9 years old.
• 51% of children in foster care are reunited with their parents or primary caregivers.
• 52% of foster children are adopted by a foster parent.
• More boys are in the foster care system than girls (52% versus 48%).
• 44% of foster children are White, 23% African American, 21% Hispanic.
• 26% of children entering foster care are under the age of one.
• About 22% of youth in foster care are age 13 or older.
• 61% of children removed from their home due to abusive neglect.
• 34% of children removed from their homes due to parental drug abuse.
• 14% of children removed due to the inability of the caregiver to cope.
• 12% of children removed from their home due to physical abuse.
• 20,500 youth are emancipated from foster care without reuniting with their families, or being adopted.
• Of youth who age out of foster care, 25% are incarcerated within 2 years and only 50% graduate from high school.
• Children and adolescents with foster care experience are diagnosed with PTSD at twice the rate of U.S. war veterans.